IMPORTANT: The camera settings can control the brightness, but the frame rate will decrease as the exposure/brightness is increased. This option sacrifices image quality for brightness and other such camera adjustments. Alternately, The environment itself can be adjusted rather than the camera settings. For instance the brightness of the environment can be increased by added lighting to relieve the need for increased brightness/exposure from the camera settings, thus increasing the option for more frame rate.
Resolution: If you have identified that the frame rate is decreased from what is advertised based upon the camera type you had installed you will want to adjust the in game settings, lowering the brightness and gain until the frame rate increases.
Recommend Lighting Solution: A high quality LED lighting options may be needed, this one may be a good fit.
The bi-color options simulates a natural light, similar to outdoor sunlight. This is a kit option as well so it comes with cases, stands, and adapters. It also allows for the user to control brightness and color management, so this will in-turn reduce the impact on these same options in the camera settings and instead allow them to be more controlled through the environment.
If you do order something like this is will take a little tweaking to get the video image to be just how you like it, but you should be able to increase frame rate by reducing the impact to the camera itself.