Reporting Incorrect Data ( GC2 - GCQuad - GCHawk )

Reporting Incorrect Data ( GC2 - GCQuad - GCHawk )

You’ve probably done a bit of testing indoors with the GC2 and have thoroughly analyzed your data, however:

  • Are you using the GC2 by itself or with simulation software? Be sure to test without the software, removing the simulated environment as a factor.
  • Are you using real golf balls or almost golf balls? Only test with new balls to generate the most accurate data.
  • Have you done any outdoor testing with the GC2 itself? Testing outdoor can be helpful to see live data in relationship to distance markers. 


At this point, we highly recommend doing that to view both the real-life shot distance and the GC2 distance outdoors.


Also, please do keep in mind the GC2 provides Carry Distance only and all data including Carry Distance is calibrated at sea level. Please remember that data such as total distance is calculated within the software and can be influenced by the simulated environment.


1. If you would like to report any questionable data. We require that you take photos of the data coming up directly on the GC2 so we can analyze here in house.  


2. We would also highly recommend doing outdoor testing with the GC2 itself to compare both the real-life and GC2 Carry Distances.  Take some brand new tour-quality golf balls outdoors to your local driving range, golf course, or even a grassy park.  As long as there’s little to no winds and there’s no slope change, you will be able to then benchmark your outdoor GC2 data while watching where the balls are landing all relative to the downrange target.  You can even have someone walk it off at a park or use a laser finder for some quality outdoor testing!  If you are able to preform this test please also report this to the Foresight Sports Technical Support agent when providing your information.


Also, Please note that most users will subconsciously take a little off their velocities and/or change their swings while indoors. Swinging indoor with a ceiling will take some time to get used to. It’s a psychological change that we do see happen to some customers from time to time. 


With that said please be sure to submit screen shots of the data. We request the following: 


1. 3-5 Shots each with an iron, wedge, and driver.

2. Please take a shot with the device data and if you feel the discrepancy is software related, please take a screen shot of your software sessions for these shots as well.

3. Please let us know specifically the data you feel is inaccurate, as well as why you feel it is inaccurate?

4. Please let us know what data you would have expected to see, and also why?


To proceed you may sign-in to the Foresight Sports Portal and submit a ticket under your account, or if you do not have access to the portal yet please submit a ticket via SUBMIT A SUPPORT REQUEST.

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