FSX PLAY Not Connecting Or Sending Data From Device (GCQ, GC3, GCHawk)

FSX PLAY Not Connecting Or Sending Data From Device (GCQ, GC3, GCHawk)

FSX PLAY should allow you to connect through multiple connection types to send data to the software from your GCQuad, GCHawk, or GC3 device. Should you experience one of the following issues please see below on how to resolve it:


Device Is Found In the FSX PLAY Device List, And Connection Is Established, But Will Not Send Data When Taking A Shot:

  • Please Note: This is most often reported when a USBc cable is used when connecting to a GCQuad device. 

If you are experiencing an issue where your device (GCQ, GCH, GC3) are connected in the software but will not send shots into the software please follow these steps:


1. Remove the USBc cable as the connection type

2. Connect an Ethernet Cable (Internet Cable) to the back of the GCQuad (GC3 or GCHawk) and then connect that cable directly to your Computers Ethernet port.

3. Be sure that your computer has internet access during this process through a Wireless source so that FSX PLAY will be able to open.

4. Launch FSX PLAY while the GCQuad (GC3 or GCHawk) is connected to the computer through the Ethernet Connection.

5. Connect the device within the software and take a shot to confirm the function.

6. With this step being performed you should be able to now use the USBc cable as a connection type again in the future. If you wish to proceed to use the Ethernet cable as a connection type you can continue, or switch to the USBc cable at this time instead.


Device Registration Has Expired And Will Be Required To Allow The Device To Connect To Software Once More:

The GCQuad and GC3 require device validation & registration to occur once every 45 Days. This can be done by following these guides. 

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