Device Connection in FSX Software - GC2, GCQuad, and GCHawk
Device Connection in FSX Software - GC2, GCQuad, and GCHawk
If you are having trouble connecting a device or capturing data within the software please be sure to review the device connection guide, linked below:
The FSX PLAY Software will allow you to select filters on the Device Connection Screen. This will allow you to restrict or allow specific device types related to a specific software instance. This is most useful when using multiple devices and ...
The FSX 2020 & FSX Subscription Software will allow you to select filters on the Device Connection Screen. This will allow you to restrict or allow specific device types related to a specific software instance. This is most useful when using multiple ...
The GCHAWK product does not require validation or registration, as they are stationary mounted products and had not been designed to be moved regularly. However, the device will still communicate and validate to the Foresight Sports Server. This ...
The GCQuad device requires registration to the Foresight Sports Server occur once every 45 days. If this does not occur a Registration Expired message will appear on the LCD of the device: There are a few options: 1. Connect the device in the FSX ...
Your Foresight Sports Device requires Validation/Registration with our Servers once, every 45-days in order to maintain operation. You can validate your device in one of the THREE following ways: Connect the device in the FSX 2020/FSX PLAY software ...